Friday, December 18, 2009

He is there...

He is there.......
That is the inevitable truth
I have to face everyday.

It felt heaven when I saw him for the first time
It was the moment when I felt my heart pounding so fast.
There was this chill climbing over me
My breathing hardened as if I was suffocating.

Each day mattered to me
Because I knew that I would see him again.
I felt comfort in seeing him.
Just having a glimpse of him brought light
To this heart of mine that is already in dark hue.

I have wanted to talk to him.
Start a small conversation..
Hear his jokes..
See him smile..
But I never had the courage.
I was numbed by the shame I would have if he gets to know
my feelings toward him.
I was blunted by the thoughts of what others may think.

How could that be possible?
That is one question I always asked.

The feelings I have for him would remain in silence.
He would not know it, no one would know.
It would just keep my heart beats like it did the first time I saw him..

He is there....
almost I could touch him..
but it would never happen
that is why......
Seeing him everyday would bring sadness.

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